So Mad Men's season has come and gone.... Can you believe it? It seriously seems like just yesterday that Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce (Campbell) was formed, doesn't it? Anyway, some thoughts on the finale and the season as a whole...
On Don:
First of all, Megan? Seriously. Poor Faye. I get it- Megan is pretty. And young. And idealistic. And she doesn't need to know Don's past to see him for who he is. She isn't like the other disposable girls that like him because he is 'Don Draper.' And that milkshake seen... can we say she's the ant-Betty or what? It will be really interesting to see them next season when they are married (
if they get married I guess). Don's been pretty stable this season (at least he was either depressed or happy, not enraged), and I don't really know if Megan can handle him at his worst. And I do hope Faye sticks around next season (although it seems unlikely), considering she is one of the few people that know about Don's true identity.
But on Don in general this season, man, what a performance from Jon Hamm, eh? Think of where he was in the first episode- coming home to that empty apartment, calling hookers, drinking a lot (well, more than usual). He definitely got his mojo back (and then some). Seriously, would he have ever in the past admitted that 'Dick' was a nickname of his? Or even took his kids to Anna's house? No way, Jose. I love the new Don.
On Betty:
Eck, was she even necessary this season? I guess we needed to see her happy, to then see her world falling apart. Wasn't it just a few episodes ago that she declared she had everything and Don had nothing? Funny how things work out.
On Sally (and Glenn):
Just throwing it out there- Glenn is creepy. And, as it turns out, sort of unnecessary. I mean, I guess his role was to show how Sally is growing up, defying her mother, but still, I was hoping for something bigger to happen with this storyline. Sally definitely proved this season that she is no mini-Betty. It will be interesting how much more that is explored next season, as Sally is getting older
AND will have the influence of Megan in her life.
On Peggy:
I loved Peggy this season. She is more independent and, as the minds behind
Mad Men promised, she is representing the changing times more than ever. She went from pretending to be a virgin with her lame boyfriend to working naked in a hotel room with that annoying art director (come on, where' Sal?) and hitting up questionable parties with her questionable new friends.
What I loved most about her this season is her relationship with Don. In the past, it was as if she admired him so much, was always trying to please him, and he would push her away.... until he needed something. Nowadays, he trusts her more. He sees himself in her. A lot of people were saying that her reaction to Don and Megan's engagement was out of jealousy, but I disagree. Betty doesn't love Don like that. She respects him. She expected more from him than to marry his secretary (a la Roger Sterling), and honestly, I did too. If he would marry Faye, Peggy would be happy because Faye was Don's equal. She is smart, independent- Peggy admires her as much as she does Don. At first, the scene where Peggy says goodbye to Faye seemed out of place to me, but now I think it was thrown in to prove that point....
On Roger:
Oh Roger. I heard a nasty rumor that someone was going to commit suicide in the finale and I was sure it was him. He's had a rough year. I'm really hoping that with Lucky Strike gone, he steps up his game and actually works to find clients. He would be good at it... if he puts his mind to it.
Also on the horizon.... being Joan's baby daddy, his BFF marrying a secretary just like him (can you say double dates? I sort of hope Megan and Mrs. Sterling the Second become fast friends....).
On Joan:
I love Joan. And I love the credit she has gotten this year (a raise! but by title only...). It isn't that she has grown as a character, it is that people are finally seeing how powerful she is and I lurve it.
Interesting to see.... if her husband survives Vietnam (honestly, I would be shocked if he did), how the baby affects Roger, how the baby affects work life (if Joan isn't in the office, will we still follow her at-home activities?)
On Lane:
He was my second pick to commit suicide, but alas, he lives. Did he say he moved his family back? I hope he cheats on his wife with that 'colored' girl, honestly. I thought that was a cool, cool way to let Lane stand out from the pack. All we ever see is him at the office, so I loved seeing him out of it for a while this season.
On Pete (and Ken sort of too):
Pete is becoming a major player, especially in the wake of Roger's demise. Remember how he used to be so annoying? Now he is often the voice of reason! Way to go, Pete. And I just love how he put Ken in his place. Pete's a partner. Ken isn't. I'd love to see the two interact more (especially with Kan just landing the first post-Lucky Strike account...).
And on Sal:
Seriously. Where is he? Bring him back!
and PS. Sorry if this has a bunch of typos in it. I wrote it quick.. and hate editing. Bleck.