
I told you no one would watch Elementary after the Super Bowl!

''Elementary' Super Bowl ratings dim.' Fewer sports fans stuck around to watch Elementary compared to any post-Super Bowl entertainment show in the past nine years.
 via Ew
I told you Elementary was a bad choice! 

In EW's analysis, they claim that it was the blackout to blame for no one watching Elementary. The game was already running late, it was a Sunday night, bla bla bla. And while, sure, I think that's one of the reasons, I think more to blame is (a) not enough promotion of Elementary during the broadcast and (b) the choice of a scripted drama to begin with.

Sure, there were a TON of CBS general commercials. I was like, 'man, my mom loves all these shows!'  And there were a couple Elementary-only commercials, featuring the stars giving their thoughts on the characters. But I don't think any of it compared to what we've seen with Glee and The Voice and The Office in recent years. You could not avoid those shows. Was it overkill, maybe? But their ratings were higher, so it must have worked.

I feel like CBS promoted 2 Broke Girls more during the Superbowl than Elementary. Maybe they should have showed that instead? Kat Denning definitely would attract the male football crowd...

Which leads me to my 2nd point. I don't think a scripted drama does well after the Superbowl, especially one as 'smart' as Elementary. Read more here and see what show I would have picked.

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