Can I be someone's comet?
To hitch or not to hitch?
Unhitched is a new comedy from the Farrelly Brothers (the ‘geniuses’ who brought us Dumb and Dumber and There's Something About Mary) that airs on Fox (Sunday, 8:30 central). The show is basically about four ‘unhitched’ friends, in what appears to be their early thirties (that’s just my guess, it’s not scientific).
I watched the pilot of this show online a last week, and have to be honest- I was not impressed. I would love to add more comedies to my long list of faves, but this one just wasn’t it. There are a ton of other comedies (for example, Back to You, The Office, 30 Rock, etc.) that I have only seen one episode of and was entertained. With a comedy, that’s all it should take- one half hour of pure joy and laughter.
Verdict: I’m not hitching up to Unhitched (sorry that was lame, but who are we kidding, so am I).
Man, her lip gloss is POPPIN' tonight.
So who's left? We got Kaba Modern, the Asian group with the only three girls left in the competition; JabbaWockeez, the guys with the masks, gloves, and ticking; and Status Quo, the real hip hoppers and my pick to win it all. These guys just look like they are having fun out there. And in the sprit of togetherness, last week the final four teams started the show off with an adorable little dance to Annie's 'Hard Knock Life'. This makes me happy.
Check out this recap show below. I don't think you need to watch the whole thing though, just the intro dance and then Status quo, who is the first team to perform.
and the academy award goes to...
Speaking of guesses, anyone notice how they totally gave away who surprisingly made it to the final mission for the vets? I’m guessing we either have a twist coming up or someone gets that puzzle game for the Gauntlet…
Also, props to the rest of the crew for finally figuring out that CT is a joke. It’s about time…
OTH (again) BIG spoilers.

Epi 5.12 - HUNDRED - 03.18.08
(my comments are in italics)
- Lucas and Haley are waiting at Tree Hill Marina for Lucas' mom, Lily, and Andy to dock his yacht. (yes, Andy!)
- Next we find Dan, no stranger to a hotel room (and yes, that WAS the same prostitute that Derek hired- eek!) checking into a new hotel and dressing for a wedding, intentions unknown.
- That night, Karen visits her old cafe, amazed at the transformation, and finds Brooke Davis closing up shop. (KRowe hearts BDavis)
- At Lucas and Lindsey's wedding, Haley finds Dan parked outside of the church, just sitting... waiting. She gives him a fierce warning to stay away from her family (as she fears for Jaime's safety).
- Nanny Carrie (slut/psycho) shows up at the wedding.
- A quick flashback reveals Brooke confessing a life changing secret to Lucas (what?!)
- Wedding in progress, Jaime asks to be excused to use the restroom, and goes alone; a huge, near fatal mistake. (Nathan and Haley are such good parents...)
- As the ceremony proceeds, Lindsey stops in the middle of vows (huh?!) as she has a critical revelation of Lucas. She leaves him at the alter to take some time alone. (yipee! Lucky for Peyton...)
- With this, Jaime's long absence is noticed for the first time and a search ensues. (Wait- where is my child? d'oh.)
- A series of shocking events unfold, and as the wedding party breaks up and people descend upon the Scott household.
- Dan Scott, after what he has just done, dares to show his face in front of everyone. (I bet Karen yells at him)
- Dan will end up "redeeming himself" to everyone. (my bet? He rescues Jaime from the evil nanny. Bummer. Not only is that a cop out of a potentially awesome cliffhanger, but I do not want Dan to 'redeem' himself)
<3 OTH love <3
Rotten Eggs!

Spoilers. Rotten eggs spoil. Get it? Get it?
One Tree Hill
I know a lot of rumors are going around as to the fate of the Peyton-Lucas-Lindsey triangle, but it isn’t looking good for all the Peyton lovers out there. Although Lucas and Lindsey hit a snag, rumor is his feelings for her go deeper than we (Peyton lovers, at least) hoped. Interesting twist though- I hear that Brooke is the one urging Peyton to stop the wedding. What’s scarier than a Peyton-Lindsey showdown? Dan making his way to the church and nanny Carrie deciding Jamie is better off with her…uh oh spaghetti-oh.
Gossip Girl
When we left of beloved Upper East siders, Blair was at the bottom of the social ladder, and I hear she will be climbing her way back up. But first, she is ditched by five former friends for a little din-din outing. Any guesses on who the five are? Gossip Girl is returning to the CW on April 21st.
The new season of Greek starts on March 24th on ABC Family. Casey and the other ZBZ girls are still feeling the drama of the Jen K crisis. Even better? They have a consultant from their nationals ‘helping’ them through the transition. And as if it wasn’t stressful enough being president of the sorority that ‘ruined’ greek life, Casey has Rebecca and Frannie to deal with still. But what about the relationships? Rebecca and Cappie? Casey and Evan? Rusty and Jen K? I'm dying to see...
No singing at this high school.
I just caught the premiere of High School Confidential on We TV, and wow, what a show! No, it is no Lost or Gauntlet, but the undertaking of making this 8-part documentary is unbelievable. Sharon Liese, the show's creator, followed 12 girls throughout their four years in high school, so basically you get the whole picture.
RIP Coral.
What a sad episode. Is that the first time we have ever seen Coral cry? Evan was like her BFF and she heard him talking about her behind her back. That sucks. And you know he feels bad about it too. Did you see how red his face was! Coral is like his big sister and now she is gone. I’m very upset about this.
I’ll admit I was a little surprised Coral just up and left the show and have a feeling it had more to do with not wanting to go into the Gauntlet against Ev (who does though?!), but loved that it screwed the vets over a little. The fact that their plan to ‘trim the fat’ was foiled by the ‘fat’. Touché Coral, touché.
What I hate, however, is these young kids giving Coral crap for leaving. Casey getting all mad telling her to get a real job? Casey, you are never going to have a real job. You are 20 years old. You don’t go to college. You’ll be doing these challenges and promotions at bars/spring break for the rest of your life probably. And Ev saying that this is Coral’s ‘legacy’- like walking off will be what she is remembered for? Um, I don’t think so. Coral is a Real World legend. You, Ev, are not. You weren’t even on Real World or Road Rules.
And just to prove Ev wrong, lets all become Coral’s friend at IAmOnMTV.com. It is this social networking site with a ton of MTV stars. Currently Coral has a whooping 5594 fans to Ev’s measly 1514. So sign up and be Coral friend. And while you are at it, you probably want to add Evan and Kenny as friends too.

Grey’s Anatomy
Uh-oh. Word on the street is that my beloved Charlie Conway may not be appearing on Grey’s as Cristina’s love interest. They haven’t started recasting the role yet, but Joshua Jackson is currently working on a J.J. Abrams’ project in Canada (J.J.= mastermind behind Lost, Alias, Cloverfield…). The show is set to return April 24th, but I’m not sure if I’ll be checking it out or not. I recently removed the show from my favorites on Facebook (big step, I know). I don’t know if it’s because I haven’t spent enough time with my friends over at Seattle Grace lately because of the strike, but I’m just not feeling it right now. We’ll see…
Brothers & Sisters
I hear that Rebecca and Justin will be visiting a genetic lab soon to take a closer look at that Walker DNA. Looks like we will find out if she is a real Walker once and for all. My guess is no. The Walkers are set to return April 20th.
One Tree Hill
Peyton may be busting up a wedding- but it may or may not be a dream. Vague. I also hear that a death may be coming. Uh-oh. Good news though- CW just picked up the show for another season! Looks like the four year jump (plus the fact that there was a strike and nothing else was on TV) may have saved this show! Yippee! I am loving this season and I know a ton of other girls who are too. However, warning to the faithful fans- according to Kristin, there is an ep coming up that you are going to ‘want to watch in a padded room surrounded by friends.’ Yikes.
Lost on the Web (4th edition)
As you can tell, I am a pretty loyal fan to Kristin’s redux, but she recently tagged another site with some pretty intense theories. Seat42f.com is a site devoted to all things television, so of course, I a smitten. BTW, Seat 42F happens to be a reference to Jack's seat on Flight 815. They have a great recap on the ep that had me all sorts of confused- ‘The Constant’. Beware- there are some pretty steep spoiler possibilities in there, so if you’re not into that sort of thing, do not click that link.