
Is this Sterling Cooper or Dunder Mifflin?

Most of my friends already know about my Mad Men obsession. It's true- I get giddy everytime I see the gorgeous star (and MU alum!) Jon Hamm say 'ZOU' in the new Mizzou commercials. As you probably know, Mad Men gets a ton of critical praise, earning its second straight Emmy this weekend for Best Drama Series.

Wondering if the show deserves it?

Those still questioning all the perfection that is AMC's Mad Men should watch last week's episode, "A Guy Walks Into an Advertising Agency." This season's sixth episode really showcases the series' brilliance- from excellent writing, acting, costumes, and on this particular occassion, some insane blood-splattering special effects.

The times sure are a-changin' for our Sterling Cooper pals- in everything from their professional to their personal lives.

Take, for example, Don Draper (aka my beloved Hamm). In the past, we have seen Don as a pretty crappy husband and father, but with the arrival of 'Gene' (have a feeling that name might not stick...), we see a whole new side of him. He is patient with his cry-baby wife Betty and tender with his lisp-y daughter Sally (let's get that girl into speech therapy, folks). On the job front, he goes from thinking he will be offered a job in London (Sterling Cooper was taken over by the Brits at the end of last season); to finding out he has to report to a younger, British version of himself; to finding himself at the Waldorf striking deals with Conrad 'Connie' Hilton himself.

Then there is the beloved Joan Holloway- excuse me, Harris. The recently married head secretary finds out that her husband pretty much sucks as a doctor and will have to continue his residency for another year. That means that she has to keep working. Too bad she already put in her notice at Stelring Cooper. What's a girl to do!?

Or what about Roger Sterling himself? Sterling divorced his wife, married his (much younger) secretary, and made some extra cash selling his agency to the Brits. He is known for afternoon scotch and sitting at his desk eating ice cream, so is he really surprised that he was 'accidently' left out of the Brits new organization of the New York office? Make yourself needed Roger, or you are gonna get phased out!

But none of the Mad Men embody that change that is going on around them moreso than my hippie friend Kinsey. Last season, he had a black girlfriend and took part in a civil rights march; this season, we learned he has a thing for smoking marijuana; and this week, we saw him sitting on his desk playing guitar. He also uttered one of the best lines of the episode- when the British man-secretary tells him to shave his beard, Kinsey bursts back with, "What? Who are you people?!" Classic.

The episode was great, as usual, but what made it amazing was the little surprise we got halfway through. In a scene more expected from the offices of Dunder Mifflin than those of Sterling Cooper, a secretary runs over a man's foot with a lawn mower.

I am not joking.

Account man, Ken Cosgrove was given the John Deere mower from a client. During a mid afternoon work party, the employees get a little tipsy (yes, that's normal), and take it out for a joy ride. Laughter ensues. That is, until one of the secretaries runs over the new British boss' foot, splattering blood all over the office. Like your mother always says, 'it's all fun and games til someone gets hurt.'

Was that scene Emmy-worthy? I think YES.

1 comment:

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